Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

After a short break to play work on a few other projects, it's time to get back to the Estonian Flag Quilt. 

When I was considering what to do for the quilt back I took a look at the three stripes of the flag and immediately thought of a rail fence quilt.  Plus the idea of all of these mini flags multiplying just appealed. )

Here is the back, ready for basting.

And a little refresher on what the front.

And here are the enders and leaders that came along for the ride...

I've figured out how I want to quilt it, plus there is a deadline for this quilt; so I'm hopeful this one won't get stuck at this step.  (The most common place my quilts get stuck at). 

Do you have a place your quilts typically rest at?

Linked up with The Needle and Thread Network - WIP Wednesday and Sew Fresh Quilts - Let's Bee Social.


  1. Often if my quilts in progress get put in a box and out of sight, then they no longer get worked on. If I cannot see it, it does not exist

  2. Oh my you have a gorgeous BACK as well as front! :)

    I have quilt blocks and sections on hangers, in shoe boxes, what-have you! :)

  3. Oh my you have a gorgeous BACK as well as front! :)

    I have quilt blocks and sections on hangers, in shoe boxes, what-have you! :)

  4. The back of the quilt is wonderful, but the front even better! Congratulations!
    I usually get stuck when I finish the top. When I need to decide, how to quilt it. Sometimes the tops get " a break" of months.

  5. There is quite a three-dimensional effect with your rail fence and colour combination. It looks great!

    My quilts move around and sometimes, I lose them for a while. Finished ones are generally in the guest room. Flimsies are usually on a hanger, with their binding until I get them to a quilter.

    Thank you for linking to TN&TN's WIP Wednesday!
